Masashi Hatano

Ph.D. student at Keio University


I am a PhD student at Keio University under the guidance of Prof. Hideo Saito. Starting from this May, I conduct research at the University of Bristol as a visiting PhD student and working with Prof. Dima Damen.

My research interests span the broad area of machine learning, computer vision, egocentric vision, future forecasting, multimodal learning, and action recognition.

In 2023, I obtained a Master’s degree in computer science from Keio University, Japan, and an engineering degree from CentraleSupélec, France, as part of a double degree program.


Aug 2024 One paper accepted at HANDS@ECCV’24. :tada:
Jul 2024 One paper accepted at ECCV’24. :tada:
May 2024 Selected as a student eligible for support of BOOST: Broadening Opportunities for Outstanding young researchers and doctoral students in STrategic areas.
May 2024 Started a 1-year research visiting at the University of Bristol. :uk:
May 2024 One paper accepted at MICCAI’24 (early acceptance top 11%). :tada:
Dec 2023 Selected as a scholarship reciepient of Amano Institute of Technology Scholarships for Doctoral Programs in Graduate Schools.
Dec 2023 Received the acceptance for the JSPS Overseas Challenge Program for Young Researchers.
Jun 2023 J’ai assisté à la cérémonie de remise des diplômes ingénieurs à CentraleSupélec à Gif-sur-Yvette. :mortar_board:
Feb 2023 Presented a poster at VISAPP’23 in Lisbon. :portugal:
Feb 2023 Visited the lab lead by Prof. Vincent Frémont at Ecole Centrale de Nantes. :fr:



  1. mm-cdfsl.jpg
    Multimodal Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning for Egocentric Action Recognition
    Masashi Hatano, Ryo Hachiuma, Ryo Fujii, and Hideo Saito
    In European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV, 2024
  2. ggmae-overview.jpg
    EgoSurgery-Phase: A Dataset of Surgical Phase Recognition from Egocentric Open Surgery Videos
    Ryo Fujii, Masashi Hatano, Hideo Saito, and Hiroki Kajita
    In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI, 2024
  3. emag.jpg
    EMAG: Ego-motion Aware and Generalizable 2D Hand Forecasting from Egocentric Videos
    Masashi Hatano, Ryo Hachiuma, and Hideo Saito
    In European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ECCVW, 2024


  1. visapp2023.jpg
    Trajectory Prediction in First-Person Video: Utilizing a Pre-Trained Bird’s-Eye View Model
    Masashi Hatano, Ryo Hachiuma, and Hideo Saito
    In International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, VISIGRAPP, 2023